
About Us

The world of technology has never been more exciting — and newsTechSoul helps all visitors around the globe find the tech they love every month. Our world-class experts live and breathe the latest technology, and like a trusted friend or advisor, we won’t talk down to you or baffle you with jargon, instead offering clear, unbiased, useful advice, as well as tips, tricks, and secrets culled from our rigorous in-depth testing.

Our mission is simple: to be the source for tech-buying advice, offering everything you need to buy and enjoy the tech you love.

We’ll tell you what the greatest gear is, where you can get the best deals and then the most fantastic things you can do with them. Why do we do it? Because this matters to us. We get up in the morning knowing that there are people out there worried about spending their hard-earned money on a piece of tech that’s central to their lives.

Getting the right phone is crucial – it’s with you all the time, isn’t it? Finding the right TV can radically alter the success of family night. Buying the right laptop can save stress and back pain. Consider newsTechSoul your helpful voice, not just because we love pixels, gigahertz and heart-rate monitoring, but because we’re here to help.

But technology is moving faster and faster, and we know our tech lives go beyond just buying the right laptop. That’s why the newsTechSoul family has grown:

Not only does newsTechSoul help you find the tech you’ll love, we’re passionate about telling you how to use it, how to make it work with other vital parts of your life and even what apps, games and media you should think about downloading, playing and watching.

We know that your relationship with tech doesn’t end when you’ve clicked checkout, either. We continue to test, evaluate and monitor the updates and changes that now come regularly from the big brands and can radically alter your smartwatch, headphones or even coffee machine.

We’ll also tell you about all of the big events and critical happenings from the world of tech. From entertainment to EVs, smartphones to smart bulbs and Windows to wearables, we’re here to be your trusted friend in our complicated tech lives.

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